The world of encyclopaedia in miniature
This is the Museum's fine art workshop related to Bilderbuch für Kinder – A Picture Book for Children, the children’s illustrated encyclopaedia created by Friedrich Justin Bertuch between the eighteenth and the nineteenth century. Bertuch, the “father” of the picture book and a European intellectual, created the children’s encyclopaedia in 12 volumes, on 1185 pages and with 6000 illustrations, presenting the world of adults to children in an easy-to-understand way. The Croatian School Museum is today the only one in Croatia holding seven almost complete volumes of Bertuch’s picture encyclopaedia for children published in Vienna by A. Pichlers Witwe & Sohn in the first decade of the nineteenth century. On the basis of the illustrations and descriptions, the workshop participants will create their own thematic souvenir – a magnet inspired by Bertuch’s illustrated world.
Duration: 45 minutes.
Participants: children and adults.